SEVA Meeting Minutes – September 2021

Seattle Electric Vehicle Association

Meeting minutes for Sept. 14, 2021

The Sept. 14, 2021 monthly meeting was at the First Church of the Nazarene, south of Dick’s Drive-In of Wallingford. President Jay Donnaway opened the formal meeting at 7:02 p.m.

NEW TO SEVA: New attendees were asked to introduce themselves: Colin and Linda are interested in a Model Y. Steve has a 2019 Leaf. Erin has a 2020 Leaf and an electric bike.

EVENTS: Vice President Grace Reamer invited members to participate in upcoming National Drive Electric Week events. EV owners will be gathering on Sunday, Sept. 26 at Advent Lutheran Church in Mill Creek. Learn more and RSVP to attend at Jay attended Dick Muri’s event in Steilacoom on Sept. 11.

POLICY UPDATES: The Coltura rally on Aug. 14 on Capitol Hill in Seattle drew attention to the effort to end gasoline car sales in Washington. The event included speeches (including one by Jay) at St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, and an EV parade of more than 30 cars around the neighborhood, which included a Tesla that unwittingly found itself stuck in middle of the parade. The Coltura bill was vetoed by Governor Inslee because of its “poison pill,” which would have delayed implementation. Coltura now advocates that the 2030 timeline for ending sales of ICE cars in Washington be implemented by executive order. Jeff Finn reported that the low-carbon fuel standard bill’s rulemaking will start in October. Brian Grunkemeyer talked about clean-fuel credits as an incentive for EV purchase.

ROAD TRIP: Jeff and his wife recently took a 4,000-mile EV road trip. They have donated the Volt Runner to the Historic Electric Vehicle Foundation in Kingman, Arizona. The museum recently announced it will be moving to a new, larger location.

DEWA REPORT: Grace said that Drive Electric Washington has resumed activities and seeks personal stories for its newsletter “The Power Outlet.” Send any EV events, announcements, news and photos to

FINANCES: Jay called on Kevin Boze to auction a Clipper Creek EVSE donated by Jeff Finn (thank you, Jeff!). Jay won the auction for $310. The EVSE will be used for charging the grocery vehicle conversions at EV Works. The funds will go to the SEVA account. Treasurer Charlie Tsai announced the monthly raffle raised $55 for SEVA, and winners were Kent Bakke and new member Linda.

PROJECTS: Charlie gave an update on the refrigerated delivery truck conversion project he is working on with former President Stephen Johnsen. The motor has been balanced and reinstalled in the truck and is getting prepared for testing. Jay reported that EV Works’ food-bank van, which was delivered to the U-District Food Bank in October 2020, will have passed its first anniversary of service by SEVA’s next meeting.

The meeting adjourned shortly after 8 p.m..

Minutes drafted by Billy Kreuter, Secretary, and edited by Grace Reamer, Vice President.–

Zoom Meeting Recording(s):
: None