Welcome to the Seattle Electric Vehicle Association

  • Image of SEVA members at the offial opening of the West Coast Electric Highway
    Washington State is a great place for taking an electric vehicle road-trip. The Department of Transportation has been strategically placing many DC Quick Charge stations along the states major highways.


The Seattle Electric Vehicle Association (SEVA) is an all-volunteer group of Seattle-area folks who are passionate about  all things having to do with electric cars.  Our members run the gamut from brand new Tesla owners to folks who have been converting old gasoline cars since the 1980’s.

We participate in car shows, educational events and political events having to  do with electric vehicle legislation. But we mostly get together to have some plain, old fun at our free monthly meetings and by simply driving around on our zero-emission wheels.

SEVA also serves as a gateway to the latest press and information on and about electric vehicles. Jump on in to see what’s happening in the world of electric cars!

SEVA Monthly Meetings!

All are invited to attend SEVA monthly meetings on the Second Tuesday of every month, you do not need to be a member to attend!
  • Beginning September 10th, 2024 meetings will be held at:
  • SEVA monthly meetings are held at the Tesla Studio in University Village.
  • 2627 NE 46th St, Seattle, WA 98105
  • This is a BYOC (Bring Your Own Chair) event. Due to limited storage onsite, we ask that members bring 1-2 folding chairs to the meeting.
  • All the parking in U Village is free. There are four very large garages, two with Chargepoint Level 2. The south garage, is the closest of these to Rivian. Plus there are outdoor EA DCFCs.
  • Please park on the top floor of the south parking garage (nearest NE 45th St.)  Club members will meet there beforehand starting at 6:30 and again after the meeting for networking and car talk.
  • Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/NgjeRanukrneZdVL6

Car show in the parking lot at 6:30 p.m., meeting indoors at 7 p.m.
Some things you may find at SEVA meetings:
  • Featured car of the month
  • Guest speakers on EV topics
  • Policy updates
  • Event announcements and planning
  • Conversion project reports
  • Charging infrastructure updates
  • News about EV models and features
  • Raffle drawing
  • Special events
  • Time for networking and Q and A 

Join the SEVA Listserv to Keep In Touch

Meanwhile, our members are keeping in touch via our email listserv. To join the listserv, do the following:

Img of EVs at Pacific Racewa

SEVA Car Shows and “EVents” Calendar

If  Google calendar doesn’t load properly, please hit “refresh” on your browser button. The bottom right corner of the calendar should have a “+Google Calendar” button you can use to add these to your own calendar, it may appear as seattleeva.org@gmail.com under your calendar. You might also subscribe to this calendar using this URL: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=c2VhdHRsZWV2YS5vcmdAZ21haWwuY29t


  • ONGOING: Tesla Owners Club of the PNW (TOCPNW) has an events calendar up: https://www.teslaownerswa.org/events
    Some events are private, but some are open to the public, and in fact some are meant as outreach. Not all are local.

Image of Electric Car Charging Station Graphic

Curbside EV Charging Rules for Seattle (as of 10/01/19)

The City of Seattle has updated their rules for curbside EV charging. This is for those folks that don’t have a garage or driveway and that are
laying a charging cord across the sidewalk.


INCENTIVES  For 2019-2025

The Washington sales tax break will be revived as of August 1, 2019. It was expanded from the previous version to also apply to sales of used electric cars. As before, electric vehicle leases also get a sales tax break. Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles could also qualify for the tax break, but no Pacific Northwest dealers currently stock or sell new hydrogen-powered cars.

To qualify for Washington’s tax abatement, a new vehicle’s sales price has to be less than $45,000 and a used electric passenger vehicle less than $30,000. These thresholds are meant to screen out buyers of high-end Teslas and BMWs. Oregon’s rebate program operates with the same philosophy, but uses as its eligibility cutoff a base model MSRP of less than $50,000.

The Washington sales tax break is structured to ramp down and then phase out completely after six years.

For the first two years beginning this August, $25,000 of a new alternative fuel vehicle’s price is sales tax free. The untaxed portion shrinks to $20,000 in 2021 and then down to $15,000 in 2023. For used EVs, $15,000 of the sales price is tax free throughout the period.

The sales tax break is scheduled to expire on July 31, 2025.

The revived and modified sales tax break passed the Washington Legislature with bipartisan support, but with just hours to spare on the last day of the 2019 session. It passed in the state Senate 31-17. The final vote in the House of Representatives on Sunday was 91-7.

The state incentives in Oregon and Washington are in addition to a federal income tax credit worth up to $7,500 for buyers of certain models of new all-electric vehicles.

Img of EVs at Pacific Racewa

EV News Headlines
