
  • Image of a Mitsubishi i-Miev charging on a snowy day
    SEVA member and intrepid EV Road-tripper Lee Colleton snapped this photo while charging at Stevens Pass ski area after a long day of mountainous freeway driving in his electric Mitsubishi Miev.

SEVA Monthly Meetings!

All are invited to attend SEVA monthly meetings on the Second Tuesday of every month, you do not need to be a member to attend!
See Main Page For Location Info. (New Location as of September 2024)
Car show on the top (5th floor) of the University Village South Parking Garage at 6:30 p.m., meeting indoors at Tesla Studio at 7 p.m.
Some things you may find at SEVA meetings:
  • Featured car of the month
  • Guest speakers on EV topics
  • Policy updates
  • Event announcements and planning
  • Conversion project reports
  • Charging infrastructure updates
  • News about EV models and features
  • Raffle drawing
  • Special events
  • Time for networking and Q and A 

Join the SEVA Listserv to Keep In Touch

Meanwhile, our members are keeping in touch via our email listserv. To join the listserv, do the following:

SEVA Car Shows and “EVents” Calendar

If  Google calendar doesn’t load properly, please hit “refresh” on your browser button. The bottom right corner of the calendar should have a “+Google Calendar” button you can use to add these to your own calendar, it may appear as under your calendar. You might also subscribe to this calendar using this URL:


  • ONGOING: Tesla Owners Club of the PNW (TOCPNW) has an events calendar up:
     Some events are private, but some are open to the public, and in fact some are meant as outreach. Not all are local.