Gas to Electric Car Conversions

  • Who knew Grandpa's old Studebaker could be so "electrifying"?

Need help converting your gas car to electric? These folks can help! 

The Seattle Electric Vehicle Association has many folks who have successfully converted their old gasoline cars to  street-legal, working electric vehicles.

The BEST way to access our knowledge base is to join our email list, on which members post questions, ideas and answers daily.

However, these experienced folks below can also help:

Img of Mazanita Micro Logo
Manzanita Micro  in Kingston, WA is proud to offer the lowest prices on the best Electric Vehicle components. Owned by SEVA Member Rich Rudman.

Img of Stephen Johnsen working on the Shock & Awe Electric Racecar
HPEV.LLC  (Stephen Johnsen: no website- email only)  SEVA President Stephen Johnsen has years of experience in converting gas cars to electric.  His EV conversion resume includes his black Pontiac Fierro, a regular on the race circuit, the Range Trailer, a battery trailer designed to be hauled behind another EV for increased range, a Chevy S10 truck and more. Stephen regularly teaches classes about battery management and EV conversions in general at South Seattle College. His current project is converting an old farm produce delivery truck for 21 Acre Farms in Woodinville, WA

Img of Plasma Boy Racing LOGO
Plasma Boy Racing (Portland, OR)  Plasma Boy’s “White Zombie”, a 1972 Datsun EV conversion, was the first street legal electric car to run a 10 second quarter mile. The  White Zombie continues to break speed records between gas and electric racers alike.
See from Bainbridge for top notch conversions, but only if you are prepared to drop about $45k on a conversion. Yup, that’s about the minimum for a highway-capable AC-driven professional conversion, given that it takes at least 240 hours of labor and serious shop overhead.

Other Notable Mentions:

Img of Dave Cloud Electric Racing Car
Dave Cloud Electric Racing (no website- email only)  SEVA member Dave Cloud has probably done more EV conversions than anyone else in the State of Washington. A regular EV racer on the NEDRA and other EV racing circuits. The late Dave Cloud (d. 2018) was by far the most prolific converter of gas cars to EV in our association. Dave had a decade and a half of conversion experience as well as many EV racing records (dragsters, electrathon, bicycle and hydroplane)

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