- Brutus Electric Motorcyles
- Many SEVA members are also members of the National Electric Drag Racing Association (NEDRA) and they race their electric vehicles during race season at nearby Pacific Raceways.
- There are many good reasons to go electric and most EV owners love the rapid acceleration! At Pacific Raceways local Tesla owners run sub13 second times in the quarter mile at well over 100 mph!
- Steve Lough was SEVA's first President up until 2013. He continues, as President Emeritus, to promote, demonstrate, advocate for, and educate people about electric vehicles which he has done for nearly 30 years.
- The Seattle Electric Vehicle Association actively participates in many car shows throughout the year.
- Does your solar installer show up in an electric vehicle? Puget Sound Solar founders & SEVA members Pamela Burton & Jeremy Smithson do!
- Practically any vehicle can be electric and SEVA members own and drive many different electric models.
- Washington State leads the nation in per-capita electric vehicle sales!
- Seattle Electric Vehicle Association at Woodinville's 21 Acres Farm Festival, 2017
- The Nissan LEAF looks good in the Seattle Autumn!
- SEVA member and intrepid EV Road-tripper Lee Colleton snapped this photo while charging at Stevens Pass ski area after a long day of mountainous freeway driving in his electric Mitsubishi Miev.
- Seattle Electric Vehicle Association welcomes electric bicycles as well!
- If you want to convert a vehicle to electric, there are many knowledgeable conversion experts in SEVA. Washington State is also home to electric vehicle components manufacturers such as Manzanita Micro and suppliers such as EV Parts.
- For many years SEVA members have taught electric vehicle technology courses at South Seattle Community College including a course where a gas car is converted to electric in just 6 days!
- Washington State is a great place for taking an electric vehicle road-trip. The Department of Transportation has been strategically placing many DC Quick Charge stations along the states major highways.
- Late SEVA member Dave Cloud probably converted more vehicles than anyone in Washington and held many records for all sorts of EV achievements. He is pictured here with his streamlined Geo Metro conversion which went over 200 miles on a single charge using lead-acid batteries!
- Many SEVA members, like Roger Swearingen, have more than one electric vehicle in their households. Roger is pictured here with two OEM electric vehicles; a Fiat 500E, and a Ford Ranger electric pickup truck.
- Washington State has a number of incentives for electric vehicles thanks to forward-thinking legislators and the work of many SEVA members such as Jeff Finn who is pictured here charging his LEAF in front of the Capitol.
- The immediate and extremely high torque produced by an electric motor allows electric vehicles to accelerate VERY quickly and to produce impressive numbers when tested on a dynamometer.
- Electric vehicles can go anywhere gas vehicles can go as demonstrated by SEVA members Grace Reamer and Kevin Boze who once forded a small river in their Coda electric sedan.
- Bothell High School's student-built "Shock & Awe". SEVA member Pat McCune is their teacher.
- SEVA Member Jennifer Northern, at the helm, is an avid proponent of electric scooters!
- Past SEVA President Stephen Johnsen (2014-2018) is shown here with a rare GM EV1 which he helped a small team from Western Washington University revive in 2007.
- SEVA member Deb Seymour enjoys the long-range capacity of her white 2014 Tesla Model S. This photo was taken of her with her WA license-plated car in Salt Lake City, UT!
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