SEVA Meeting Minutes – March 2014
SEVA March 11th Meeting Minutes:
What a glorious day, and evening. You can really tell how a bit of sun and extra evening light bring out the Electric Cars. Three Tesla-S’s, Tesla Roadster, A dozen or more LEAFS, Two “Mi-EV”s A New Fiat 500e, a Ford Electric TRANSIT Van, and the normal mix of Home Built”s to include Jeff’s Volt Runner, Dave B’s Flat Bed Nissan PU, John Rue’s Del Sol, and Bruce’s JMJ… ( hope I did not’t miss any one. We had three new guests, to include the OEVA’s chapter Treasurer, and his new S85 Tesla-S up from Oregon.
President Stephen brought the meeting to order, with Mark S. VP and Mark Y. Treasurer present, with Steve Lough standing in for Kevin B. Recording Secretary. Apologies for not bringing our Video Projector, but member Corry and Dad, brought their Big Screen iMac Desk top to stand in.
Good reports on EV Market Penetration for Washington State. Per Capita we have more EV Owners than California or any other state. EV Registration up 47% over 2012.
EV-e n t s and there are a LOT of them. ( NOTE to John Rue ! or Chad Shwitters ? ? )
Some of these EVENTS are not on the Event Calendars, neither the OLD site or NEW site:
March 13Th Microsoft TRED Test Drives
March 22,23 The MAKE Fair hits Seattle We had a young lady needing help with creating a Kiddy Car
Electric Race Car for the event.
March 29Th Sierra Club Bastear College Eco Fair 10 – to noon
Apr 5 Wild Horse Wind Farm to re-open with Earth Month Activities
Ellensburg Vantage area.
Apr 21 City of Seattle EV Meeting Rm 4050 Seattle Muni. Bldg 9 am
Apr 22 Newcastle Earth Day Celebration 10 am to 3 pm
May 11Th XXX Issaquah Car show. Needs Insurance help for SEVA
May 13 SEVA Meeting Wikispeed Car to make Presentation
( )
June 28 “Gasless on Greenwood 2014
July 26 NW Shoreline SOLAR FEST
Sep. 6th SILENT THUNDER – All Day EV Racing and Drag Racing
Also all of these events need more info, i.e. Contact person, phone #, Web etc.
Next up was Jeff Finn, our Washington State Legislative Liaison. Very little Good news. None of our EV legislative priorities made it through the process this year. Need to ELECT more EV Friendly legislators. $5M for more charging stations-Failed, plus Lowering e-motorcycles from $100 to $30 -Failed,
Big PUSH for next year to extend the Clean Fuel Tax exemption for EV’s
Valley General Hospital has FOUR very busy Charging stations.
Stephen Johnson reported more bad luck with his Two Electric Motors on his Fiero. “Loudest most Horrible SOUNDS at the moment of Failure”. Seems the rebuild after the failure last year left much to be desired. We wish him Best of Luck getting his creation back on the road.
Our SEVA Member Brian Hughes, gave a MOST complete and wonderful report on the Creation of his Sion X EV Conversion.
Over a year in the making. See the whole story at his Web Site:
A lot of interesting detail on the process, planning, engineering, etc.
Last but not least, Stephen gave a report on progress of our new ( more modern ) SEVA Web site. Both the New and the Old will stay up for the foreseeable future. Check out the NEW site, and give us all some Feed Back
at: ( http://www.seattleev.dreamhost
As always, If you see that we have missed something here, please feel free
to chime in on the SEVA E-Mail list to add your 2 cents.
Hope to see you at the many EV e n t s in the coming weeks, but for sure the April 8Th meting.
Been my pleasure to step in for Kevin B. to create the Meeting Minutes
Steve Lough
President Emeritus
Steven S Lough
President EMERITUS
Seattle EV Association
206 524 1351