SEVA Meeting Minutes – May 2021

Seattle Electric Vehicle Association

May 11, 2021 meeting minutes

SEVA’s 14th monthly meeting by Zoom was the first conducted jointly as a hybrid in-person meeting from the parking lot of First Church of the Nazarene behind Dick’s Drive-In of Wallingford. There was no agenda and no regular order. The Zoom and live meetings were merged for 14½ minutes through the use of Andrea Tousignant’s cell phone from the parking lot. Eleven EVs gathered in the lot and attracted attention from the public.

President Jay Donnaway was among those at the church parking lot. Vice President Grace Reamer was absent out of town. Secretary Billy Kreuter and Treasurer Charlie Tsai were present on Zoom. In the church lot were three Tesla Model 3s, Brian Hughes’ 2004 Scion XB conversion, a Kia Soul, Mark Schiller’s Leaf, and two Bolts including Andrea Tousignant’s. Brian displayed the Scion on camera. It was converted in 2013. It’s belt-driven, which is unusual for a conversion, and AC drive, with battery nominally 32 kWh.

EVENTS – Billy reported that the Greenwood Car Show is conducting a monthly drive-along called “Cruise Greenwood.”  It’s on the last Saturday of each month from April through September, from 4 to 8 p.m. ( This year’s annual June Greenwood Car Show will be on the traditional last Saturday, June 26, but it’s also to be a drive-along. It will be called “Cruising for a Cause,” and it is described as “a rolling car show, food drive and fundraiser to help ensure the future of the Greenwood Car Show.” SEVA is considering entering some cars.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Jay said that we have money in the bank, summer car shows aren’t kicking off yet, and we need ideas for projects to finance.


  • Several members commented they thought that Elon Musk did an excellent job on a recent Saturday Night Live.
  • Guylaen O’Connor, known as Guy, from Ellensberg introduced himself. He’s the president of the Central Washington University EV club. They’re hoping to come back from obscurity after Covid.
  • Ryan Fulcher described the Aptera Reboot channel on Youtube, maintained independently by Aptera fans.
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  • ark Yormark and Ryan Fulcher talked about John Wayland’s projects, including the Honda Insight conversion called Silver Streak, but the status of that one is unknown now.
  • Charlie reported that the Z3 is having some BMS issues.  The board in the seventh position, of the eight boards, keeps burning up.  It was suggested that it might be a grounding issue.

Minutes drafted by Billy Kreuter, secretary, and edited by Grace Reamer, vice president.

Zoom Meeting Recording(s):