SEVA Board Meeting, 14 Nov 2018
Attending: Deb, Philip, Lee, Grace, Mark Y, Jay,
Discussion regarding merging or absorbing Drive Electric Washington. Possible addition of Board member (Ron from DEW).
Grace enumerated a list of pros/cons.
Deb asked what the message would be of absorbing DEWA.
Jay noted the stated differences between EAA and National Drive Electric organization.
Discussion regarding Forth.
Indemnification of Board members was discussed.
Jay committed to talking with Loverlane about insurance for the board indemnification.
Mark Y will run again for Treasurer if the indemnification insurance is settled.
Discussion on limits to lobbying.
Deb can post content on the website with approval of one Board member after notification of the entire Board of a proposed content change.
Holiday party next month is expected to be in the Church of the Nazarene.
Discussion regarding calendaring via Facebook. Invitation for the SEVA group tonight – also Instagram.