SEVA Meeting Minutes – August 2018
SEVA Meeting Minutes 14 August 2018
Jay Donnaway – SEVA President called the meeting to order
Michael Foster (who shut off the Keystone pipeline two years ago) Dave Cloud helped him build an electric motorbike – he needs help repairing it – it has 8 bad Thundersky battery cells. Steven Lough suggested Manzanita Micro.
Phil Skoog passed around a sign-up sheet for emailing for the National Drive Electric week events.
Dick Murray sponsors an event in Steilacoom, September 8th.
Steven Lough offered three vintage tee-shirts for SEVA donations.
Jay reported on the ride-and-drive event at the LeMay Car Museum in Tacoma. There is another event on September 15th. Drive Electric Week SEVA meeting on September 9th – alternative meeting venue is expected.
Jeff Finn – Bellevue Drive Electric Week announced for Tuesday, September 11th.
Peter Vierthaler from Northwest Partners LLC discussed multi-family housing EV charging (multi-car charging) on existing electric infrastructure. Free stuff: lead acid battery charging “smoother” (Jay will have it if anyone is interested.)
New attendees:
- Andrew
- John (drives a Fiat),
- Arvia Morris (interested in policy and EV),
- Shru Kumar (from Impact EV)
Steven Johnson presented on the Wildhorse wind farm and solar event – mentioned that newer Tesla Model S have back seats where he fits. The museum there has an old (early 1900’s) EV. Avian deaths are very rarely caused by wind turbines, relatively speaking. ROI is 7-10 years for wind turbines. ($400M for the entire wind farm.) They will run the turbines until the wind speed is about 60 mph. 1.8-2.0 MW per turbine – there are about 150 of them on the farm. Also mentioned that Amphenol has new EV high voltage plugs that are cost-conscious.
Mark Schiller spoke about Amazon Smile. So, Amazon purchases can be marked with Amazon Smile to SEVA’s credit. Add “smile” to the URL after the https:// before the rest of the URL. It does not affect the price of the purchases.
Mark Schiller has decided to step down from the SEVA board because of insurance concerns. (SEVA has no insurance.)The EAA has “directors and officers” insurance for their own. The EAA also has general liability insurance which covers EAA members. The EAA does not want SEVA to distribute “Current Events” newsletter. So, if you want “Current Events” you must join the EAA directly. Phil Skoog discussed insurance coverage.
Jay Donnaway mentioned that the EAA discussed this matter in the EAA Board meeting today. Jay mentioned that other advice has said that there would be no liability in a ride-and-drive event provided that the car owner carried proper insurance. Steven Johnson asked about SEVA’s relationship with the EAA. Jay explained that we are an affiliated chapter, and that two board members (Lee and Jay) be EAA members.
Mark Yormark explained that four years ago we became an independent chapter because we didn’t get any membership information or cut of dues. He questions whether the EAA will be around long-term, but is encouraged by Raejean’s recent activity in the EAA board. He wants SEVA to remain independent.
Steven Lough gave a historical perspective. He agrees that SEVA should remain independent from the EAA.
Jeff Finn spoke about legislative matters: 1) Reinstate the clean fuels sales tax exemption for PEVs 2) appropriate more funds to WA PEV charging infrastructure bank 3) incentives for heavy-duty PEVs (5+ tons) 4) exterior method to quickly identify a vehicle as a PEV or PHEV to first responders, etc. 5) PEV economic justice for disadvantaged communities 6) support a “yes clean cars” initiative for WA 7) PEV driver “bill of rights” (model after California HR 117) 8) adopt California ZEV mandate The group mentioned that various municipalities are not following state mandates regarding fleets. Maybe pushing this should be a priority? A clip board was passed around to attendees to designate their priorities with a mark.
Greenwood attendees should collect their dash plaque from Jay.
Tim Economu has freebies – a couple of variacs, wire wrap gun
Phil Skoog – September 30th there will be a “for cancer” climbing of the Space Needle… if we could park a few EVs at the bottom that would generate a lot of visibility.
Raffle drawing was made – $26 won by Arvia Morris
Kevin Bose addressed the board vacancy. He informed us that the Board will elect a replacement VP per Section 4.15 of the By-Laws. The next meeting will be likely be in Bellevue following the Drive Electric Week event.
Announcement will made on the SEVA mailing list.