SEVA Meeting Minutes – July 2016

SEVA Meeting Minutes:  July 12 2016, –Called to order. Officers introduced. 36 persons in attendance.

AIA MEETING – Philip Skoog and Jeff Finn will be addressing the Seattle Chapter of the AIA regarding building charging infrastructure into new and remodeled construction.  Good luck!

NEW PEOPLE!!  SEVA is excited to see seven new people who are at their very first meeting!  Hello and Welcome!

RAFFLE TICKETS – Buy a raffle ticket for the meeting.  Part of the proceeds go to paying our hosts a stipend for providing this meeting space.

WEBSITE – SEVA has (saving our blushes) one of the better websites for EV groups.  You are encouraged to check it out.

EV OF THE MONTH – Dave Barden talked about his Mercedes-Benz EV with Tesla inside.  Old Sparky will be going to Pacific Raceways next week, but the Mercedes will be staying home.  Dave made his purchase through Paramount Motors, which is getting a growing reputation as being the place to buy cars you otherwise “can’t” buy in Washington State.

GASLESS ON GREENWOOD – Pat’s high school project won “Best in Class” from the judges, and White Zombie drew the usual crowds of enthusiasts.  Big thanks to Dave and Kent, who helped to make sure there was a wide variety of cars represented.

SPEAKING OF BOTHELL HIGH SCHOOL – The EV funny car will be running at an NHRA event in Woodburn, Oregon.  Good luck, guys!  It will be the only electric vehicle at the event.

EMERALD CITY JOULES III –  Wednesday July 20 at Pacific Raceways in Kent. Gates open at 4pm. Bring your EV to race other EVs or kick gas by racing against the petrol-heads who will also be racing that night.

SOLARFEST – Saturday, July 23th.  SEVA is registered and has paid the fee, so show up!  It takes place at Shoreline Community College.  There will be presentations on a number of topics, food, entertainment, projects for kids, and a chance to win an electric bike!  Check out

EV ROADMAPS GATHERING – Will be in Portland.  Our very own J.J. McCoy will be presenting. Jay Donnaway, Brian Henderson, Grace and others attending as well.

RENTON RIVER DAYS – From 11-3 on Sunday the 24th (right on the heels of SolarFest.  We can bring all the cars we want, and there will be on-site charging.  Come one, come all and check it out and win a $100 Ikea gift certificate!

EFFECTIVE FAST CHARGING PRESENTATION – How many charging stations will we need in the future?  How do we get coverage on Washington State?  How will this change when more people drive EVs?  How will this change when range increases?  And how does it take into account driving habits?  These questions and others were explored by Doug Sebastian in his presentation.

WHAT’S NEW IN OLYMPIA?  — J.J.McCoy shared some highlights from legislative efforts that concern EVs and the people who drive them.  There are a lot of things going on (too many to cover here), but you can access Mr. McCoy’s summary from the SEVA website.

FENIX POWER – Mr. John Beysinger of Fenix Power addressed the membership on his startup that specializes in after-market parts for EVs.  Check them out at

“DEEP BLUE” IS BACK – Tim Economu gave his presentation to the membership about his new and improved interchangeable 18650 battery packs built in partnership with Craig Paynter, including some graphics on heat signatures and discharge rates.