SEVA Meeting Minutes – October 2013
TORKLIFT – Who specialize with bolt-on Non-invasive trailer hitch receivers for various Electric Cars, Is offering a special deal to SEVA members for their custom-made hitches. A GREAT way to add a bicycle rack to your Tesla, or Leaf, or “Mi-EV” . More information is available on the website.
LEGISLATIVE – Mark Schiller encourages the membership to contact their local representatives in the State Legislature to “meet and greet” about electric cars. Our primary interests for this Legislative session include, A. building out the electric highway, B. extending the sales tax exemption for EV purchases, C. , standardizing charging procedures by making our ubiquitous Charge Cards the coin of the realm, D. , adding charging stations at public facilities, E. creating distinctive EV license plates, which be an identifier to emergency responders, or be incorporated into HOV schemes like in California, F. Exempting motorcycles from the $100 extra EV tariff on license tab renewal fees. and G. possible funding of a permanent position at the State level as a kind of EV Specialist, allowing someone to coordinate all the EV activities in the State. We want to make owning and driving an EV easier for everyone. Making these processes more streamlined and less confusing will encourage more EV drivers.
Member Grace Reamer adds: “Invite your Legislator for a test drive!” Good point … driving is believing. Several members brought up the item of HOV privileges for EV owners with one driver, as they allow in California. It is not a popular consideration at this time, and we should pick the “low hanging fruit” to go after for now.
WEBSITE – SEVA is working in cooperation with Seattle Central Community College students to revamp our website.
IN MEMORIAM: BILLY DUNLAP – SEVA mourns the passing of one of our own, who left us on August 17th of this year. He was in the middle of conversion of a Chev Corsair with a modified Pontiac Fiero drive train complete with lithium batteries. His widow is interested in selling off the components, and our own Dave Cloud has been in contact.
PACIFIC EV HAS A CONVERTED VOLVO 850 – If you are interested in a bargain, contact Pacific EV. For photos and specs, please see: The only change from the photos is removal of all batteries and the rear battery rack in anticipation of lithium conversion. Offered at $6000 OBO;
JEFF FINN REPORTS – Apparently, SEVA’s presence at the Sultan Shindig was warmly received. Comments were so positive from the visiting public, that SEVA is officially invited back next year, and Sultan’s organizers made us a present of some Shindig T-Shirts. TEN T-Shirts were raffled off.
MICHAEL FOSTER REPORTS – Some of you may remember Mr. Foster’s slide show on global warming. He has since gone on to give this presentation to thousands of people, many of them children to date with the goal of planting BILLIONS of trees world wide. We applaud his EVangelical work.
JOHN ROSELL OF ALL-STAR AUTO GLASS – Shared his story with the membership. All-Star has a contract with Tesla to do windshields. They are a green-minded company, and All-Star wants to service electric vehicles.
Once home last night, President Steve finally recalled the reason he brought up the SEATTLE INTERNATIONAL AUTO SHOW 16-20 October. Christopher Alan is the editor of a new magazine called ELECTRIC CAR INSIDER, and organizer behind the West Coast Electric Car Guest Tour, where he is hoping to involved celebrities to each drive a short leg of the Seattle-to-San Diego rally. He has already shipped his personal Tesla-S up to the Seattle area, and will be looking forward to visiting with some SEVA members while he is here. The rally has been postponed. He has asked Steven to submit a short article on SEVA Doings.
RICH OF MANZANITA MICRO – Showed off his “heavy level 2” EV Supply Equipment device. It is very versatile robust unit, and can be set to be compatible with most ANY EV from a Volt, to a Tesla, accomplishing the communications between your 110 or 220 outlet to YOUR particular car. Course when he gets going speaking to the crowd, a few non-electrical engineer types kind of have blank looks on their face. No harm…
RACING AT PACIFIC RACEWAYS– Our Vice President, Stephen, shared a slide-show with the membership about some recent racing activity. The Fiero broke the 100 mph threshold last weekend! Congratulations. More importantly he shared with us that Pacific Raceway is planning an ALL EV racing event come September of 2014.
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS – The following folks were nominated and seconded. Kevin Boze for Secretary. Mark Yormak for Treasurer. Mark Schiller for Vice-President. Stephen Johnsen for President. Nominations are still open, by submitting candidates by e-mail to the SEVA e-mail list. Elections will be held at our November 12th meeting
REMINDER: EAA MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS BENEFITS – Your honorary membership in SEVA is free and we welcome you. If you wish to become a paying member of the national organization, join the EAA On Line, and pay your dues and sign up. You get the EV News Magazine, CURRENT EVents.. The EAA does much outreach education and lobbying at the national level for all of us. People who join up are glad they did. We are still fighting for # ONE Largest EAA Chapter position.
DRAWING: Our monthly raffle was held, with a $44 prize. We also raffled off the T-shirts donated by the Sultan Shindig.
Formal meeting adjourned shortly after 9 pm. Discussions continued till after 10.
As always, if you feel we have left out some part of the meeting that all should know about, don’t hesitate to e-mail your comments. Otherwise we will see you all at the November 12th meeting. Happy Halloween !!
-- Steven S Lough President: Seattle EV Association 206 524 1351 WEB: