SEVA Meeting Minutes – February 2013

Thanks to lots of help from Grace Reamer, We have the meeting minutes out in Record Time…

The Feb. 12th SEVA Meeting

Steve Lough opened the meeting, to a crowed of over 60 folks, plus three new members attending.

Standing in for a permanent Recording Secretary, our very gracious Grace Reamer. But as mentioned last month, we have a full time volunteer on the way. We held election for Kevin Boze, and he was voted in unanimously. He will be holding down the post come March.

Our SEVA E-mail list now has more than 200 recipients. Many far out of the Seattle area. So keep this in mind as we use the facility wisely.

LEGISLATIVE AGENDA – Mark Schiller and Jeff Finn

The Legislative Agenda compiled by committee is a wonderful piece of work. Mark went through it step by step. You can read the complete text by ‘clicking on the LINK here below. Its a ( .doc) type file.
( http:/ )
The TOP TWO suggestions were for HOV access for EVs regardless of occupancy, and to create penalties for ICE vehicles which block access to charging for EVs. The membership signed a letter, and the agenda will be forwarded to all the Washington State legislators. This has also been shared statewide with the Wenatchee and Tacoma chapters. Climate Solutions is interested in coordinating legislative efforts because EVs reduce air and water pollution. Also, local energy production supports the state’s economy. Building codes in Vancouver, Canada mandate EVSE for new multi-family apartments and condos. Steve will connect efforts with VEVA in Vancouver, BC.

Discussion Comments – Consider repeal of $100 road use fee once VMT is implemented, because EV owners now pay more than Prius owners. Exempt conversions. Or include PHEVs. Malls and movie theaters should have charging stations. Make state-impounded vehicles available for free for conversion to EVs. SEVA members are encouraged to contact their own legislators. Also work on collaborating with other environmental organizations. Add data about acidification of waterways wiping out marine life.

The road usage charge story will be on KING TV Thursday at 10 p.m.


Top 10 list for joining the EV revolution list compiled. The committee is working on ways to quantify benefits of driving EVs, and members are asked to contribute their suggestions. Update of website is another strategy.


North Beach Elementary School student Jonathan Walker, is doing a field study of lifetime cost of a car, comparing EV and ICE vehicles. Chad Shwitters has forwarded to him via e-mail a host of Great Information from Plug-In-America. If any SEVA members would care to share their own personal findings, please write to his dad, Robert Walker, at: ( )

Jenn Northern brought her Maxi scooter to the meeting, which has been in development since fall 2009. Gets 100 miles per charge, regenerative braking, built for hills, does freeway speeds up to 80 mph, lithium iron phosphate battery, programmable controller, BMS, 8,000-watt motor, weight 440 pounds. Base price about $9,000. Deluxe model will have wifi and cell phone capability, Mymode computer to manage batteries. Online, search for Night Phantom. For more
information give Jenn a CALL ( 425-270-1351 )

Pat from Bothell High School and Students are doing a BMW conversion to electric, after discussing all the other fuel technologies. They are working with Stephen Johnsen and Manzanita Micro.

PLUG IN AMERICA – Chad Schwitters

Chad shared pictures and data from his road trip to Death Valley in January with their Tesla Model S with 85 kWh battery pack. They used super chargers and Tesla chargers the whole way, and spent no money on power. Temperatures were cold. Super charger was 3.5 times faster than level 2 chargers. Plan is to have super chargers installed every 150 miles on major highways throughout the country in five years. Road trip tips: road trips in an EV are optional, plan for charging stops and keep each leg of the trip under two-thirds of the rated range, when you charge fill to 150 percent of what you need to get to the next destination, ask for 50-amp service at campgrounds, driving at 75 mph draws 26 percent more power than 60 mph, freezing temperatures draw 13 percent more power than 70 degrees, standing water draws 10 percent more power, climbing uses an extra 7 miles per 1,000 feet in elevation, and descending adds about 4 miles per 1,000 feet.

He also brought in other interesting facts from the Auto Industry. For the first time, supply of EVs exceeds demand, but the majority of Americans still have never seen one. Now, 12 models are available. Automakers want to overturn the ZEV mandate in California, but a few such as Mitsubishi are making a business of EVs. EVSE makers are all stretched and should consolidate. Utilities have figured out they are selling more electricity at low-demand time, but they don’t do or aren’t allowed to do any marketing. That puts the burden on current owners to sell EVs, based on the top three promotional strategies: they are fun to drive, total cost of ownership is lower than a similar ICE, and plugging in is more convenient than gassing up.

Advocacy campaign goal is to get more cars on the road, but auto manufacturers won’t invest in campaign, so advocates are turning to utilities and California air quality management districts. More emphasis on test-drive events, consulting on infrastructure, defending incentives and developing model ordinances.

Action items: Participate in Sept. 29 Drive Electric Day, give rides, join EAA, Plug-In America, Driving Electric and TheElectricGeneration.

We will be posting Details, e-mail contacts, and other INFO for these EV-ents on the SEVA Calendar.

April 13, Mercer Island
April 20, Newcastle
April 22, Bellevue College
April 22, Bothell?
Center for Wooden Boats Event?

Our own Jeremy Smithson reminded us of the Solarize Seattle effort continuing with Puget Sound Solar and community groups to do group buying in several neighborhoods.

Stephen Johnsen, now back from Africa and NYC, reminded us of the up-coming 6 day conversion classes at SSCC come March 18th. There are two other EV classes. Check them out at:


Also Stephen Johnsen travels – Trip to Dubai and Ethiopia was an exercise in contrasts, from a country with few paved roads or cars to a country built by oil money. While visiting New York,
he spotted a new FedEx Electric Delivery. To check out their routes click on:

Racing news –
Shawn Lawless truck Lemonjuice with four motors and two Zilla controllers hit 131 mph and 9.88-second quarter mile. So much TORQUE on the take-off, it lifted the left front tire off the race-track ! WOW ! Here are a couple of Web LINKS for you SPEED Demons: ) )

Charging option, Ryan – EVSE project cost about $450 to build, 30 amp Leviton cable, with adapter for 110 volt outlet. Display shows what level it is charging at, and status of charging and GFI detection.

It was suggested that we could all have one of those QR codes squares on our EVs so that people who are curious can go to our website.

The Garfield Raffle of a Tesla-S was brought up again, and so far only 1200 of the total of 1650 tickets have been sold. Drawing is on the First of March.

EV Charging in and around our Meeting Location was to be discussed, but was unfortunately overlooked by our President. Two locations for further consideration. Our Treasurer, Chuck Bensons house, just down Thackary Street a few blocks, AND Bedrooms and Beyond at 300 45th Street.

As always, if there is anything we have left out, please feel free to POST it to the e-mail list.
Thanks again to Grace Reamer, for fleshing out 99 percent of this month’s SEVA Minutes.

See you all March 12th if not before
Steve Lough: Pres.

Steven S Lough
President: Seattle EV Association
206 524 1351