SEVA Meeting Minutes – August 2013
SEVA Meeting Minutes: August 13, 2013, –Called to order. Officers introduced. 54 persons in attendance.
REMINDER TO CAFFEINATE: Members in attendance, please do patronize the coffee shop downstairs. It is a non-profit, pay-as-you-will establishment, and it is through their generosity that we have a place to meet. Please visit them often.
WELCOME DAVE LANGDON: Mr. Langdon was here to address the membership about advanced metering. Advanced metering will, among other things, improve accuracy, provide consumer controls over electrical use, reduce manpower on billing and improve timeliness. As heard on the radio today, there are concerns about privacy and the types of radio communication to be used. There will be many public meetings where your thoughts can be aired. Check out ( )
MONTH IN REVIEW – Maple Leaf Social was attended by approximately 400-500 people. The automatic sprinkler system helped liven things up. Nine vehicles were present for the parade at the Redmond Derby Days. The Sultan Shindig was hot, but with hot cars and hot crowds! SEVA was at this event in force with their electric cars. The “de-icing” bill is now law, and SEVA has been getting inquiries about what to do and what not to do to be compliant with the law. Jeff Finn has posted some unofficial guidelines on our website.
WELCOME NEW FACES. Seven people came to tonight’s meeting to join us for the first time. Welcome all!
SCIENCE CAFÉ – You can look up the video presentation on KCTS website. The WEB SITE is: (
LICENSE PLATE FRAMES! We received over 60 e-mail comments and suggestions following the work of our new member Kerry Wilkinson and the (semi) official SEVA Lic. Plate Frames. Given the positive response of the original lay out, we will be giving Kerry the Go-Ahead for a small initial run with the design that the Board worked out. They should be ready for Sale by the September meeting.EAA – Please join our national organization! The fantastic newsletter is one of many benefits.
WE’RE #2! — We are about twelve bodies short of being the largest EV club in the nation. Lucky for us, our very own John Mark has returned to Seattle, and was present at the meeting to push for additional EAA Membership to keep us working towards # ONE.. Welcome Home John. Be sure to sign up!
SEATTLE/CROSS-CANADA RALLY – We only just now heard about this event sponsored by the EVSE company “Sun Country Highway. The NAME of the EVent is E-Mazing Race.. Stay tuned.
FROM THE VEEP – The membership got treated to a slideshow about the Fiero’s latest racing adventures in Laguna Seca and how it came to be that BOTH his WARP DC motors were damaged. We also got to see some intriguing “real life” trips to Mount Rainier in a Leaf and a Tesla Model S.
ELECTRIC BICYCLES – Larry Gayles talked about an up-and-coming event at Sep 22nd at the Lake Forest Park Shopping Mall. EVs are wanted at this event. Bring yours!
JOULES AT SEATTLE RACEWAY – Friday, August 23rd. Bring your cars and see what they will do out on the race track! $$Forty dollars to register to race. On Saturday August 24th there will be much “Bracket Racing” and electric cars are very well suited for this, that each and every RUN can be very much the same TIME. Car coming closest to his elapsed time each run, is the WINNER.
EV SALES – Are 500+% of what they were this time last year. Don’t let any Nay-Sayers tell you they are not doing JUST FINE !! Over 3,000 EVs are registered in WA State, and over 1500 in Seattle.
EV-ENTS – For more DETAIL or to register a NEW EVENT, always check out our EVENTS Calendar, which Chad Shwitters has been keeping up-to-date at ( ) 8/23 Pacific Raceways … 8/24 Chelan WineTours … 8/25 Church EV fair in Bellevue … 9/22 Lake Forest Park Mall … THE BIG ONE -9/28 National Plug-In Day Maximum participation needed… 9/29 Sustainable Ballard … 9/30 Plug In 2013 in San Diego … See the website for the particulars. It is show-and-tell season. .
The formal meeting adjourned to break-out discussion at 8:54 pm, which went on till after 9:30
As always, if you see something Secretary Kevin, and the BOARD has left out here, feel free to add it to the E-Mail List. See you all September 10th if not before.
-- Steven S Lough President: Seattle EV Association 206 524 1351 WEB: