SEVA Meeting Minutes – July 2021
Seattle Electric Vehicle Association
July 13, 2021 meeting minutes
For the first time since February, 2020, SEVA’s monthly meeting took place in the social hall of First Church of the Nazarene in Wallingford. Streaming of our meetings by Zoom has been discontinued; a thank-you again goes to Ed Mills for facilitating the 15 monthly meetings by Zoom during the pandemic from April 2020 through June 2021. Networking and car-viewing in the parking lot preceded the meeting. Among the cars present was a Leaf from its year of introduction, 2011, in astonishingly pristine exterior condition and having only recently lost a third bar.
At 7:04 p.m., former Scribe Kevin Boze issued the cry calling the meeting to order.
SPECIAL PRESENTATION FROM SEATTLE CITY LIGHT – Angela Song, formerly of Clean Cities, now serves as the Transportation Electrification Portfolio Manager at Seattle City Light. Angela, who has been with SCL for five months, described its Transportation Electrification Strategic Investment Plan. TESIP focuses on equity – especially issues of race and underserved communities – environment, and grid modernization, and includes the work of several other city departments. TESIP plans for full electrification of buses by 2040, ferry electrification, and electrification of commercial, nonprofit and governmental fleets. SCL’s current buildout of DCFC stations is a primary focus. The goals for 2030 are described by the Transportation Electrification Blueprint. These are 100 percent electrification of shared mobility (e.g., rideshares); 90 percent of personal trips; and 30 percent of goods delivery, as well as 100 percent of the city fleet. They are working on amelioration of diesel emissions from drayage at the Port of Seattle. This is complicated by drayage drivers who work as independent contractors and are not paid for time spent waiting between loads, so they keep their diesel engines running all day. For the DCFC project, 16 locations are now on-line, and the total should be 25 by the end of 2021. Locations have Chademo and CCS connectors. At least two locations, in Tukwila and Shoreline, also have Level 2 charging.
NEW MEMBERS: New attendees this month include David and Deborah Lord from Snohomish County – they have a luxury model Nissan Leaf.
CONVERSION PROJECT: President Jay Donnaway reported that EV Works has delivered a Ram Promaster refrigerated van, converted with a Tesla drivetrain, to the Lopez Island Food Bank. The all-electric Pleasure Way Tofino has been in revenue service for five months, and reservations for it are going fast.
CLEAN CARS 2030. Vice President Grace Reamer reviewed the Clean Cars 2030 legislation that passed earlier this year with a poison pill attached linking it to implementation of the Road Usage Charge. Governor Inslee vetoed the section with this RUC requirement. Coltura is now pushing for Inslee to issue an executive order to prepare for the 2030 date. To draw attention to the issue, Coltura is sponsoring a rally on Saturday, Aug. 14, starting around 11 a.m., with the location yet to be determined. The program will feature speakers, elected officials, student groups, music and cars. SEVA members are asked to bring their EVs to exhibit. Grace will send a signup list.
* Phil Skoog reported that the Kirkland Waterfront Car Show will be Aug. 7 from 10 a.m. until 3 or 4 p.m.
* Dick Muri has a National Drive Electric Week event planned in Steilacoom on Sept. 11.
* President Stephen Johnsen mentioned plans for a show in Moses Lake on Father’s Day in 2022. It will possibly include Ride-and-Drives.
* Secretary Billy Kreuter reported on the Greenwood Car Show, which he attended. The show did end up happening as something resembling a live car show, but just not in Greenwood. Cars gathered at the Aurora Square shopping center in Shoreline, later going on a card-game-themed cruise on Greenwood Avenue. SEVA member Stu Frothingham from Puget Sound Solar also participated.
* SEVA is looking for a location to present an event during National Drive Electric Week Sept. 25-Oct. 3.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jay reported that he was interviewed by UW Bothell for their podcast, “Common Cause for Sustainability”, talking about the economic case for EVs. He will share the link when it is available.
The raffle was won by Chris Royalty, who donated the prize to SEVA. A toy Tesla Model 3 was won by David Lord.
Jay adjourned the meeting at 8:08 p.m. Afterwards, Stephen Johnsen described his Makita batteries; their charger air-cools the battery during charging.
Minutes drafted by Billy Kreuter and edited by Grace Reamer.
Zoom Meeting Recording(s):
: Meeting Was in Person Only, No Zoom Recording.