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S E V A - N e w s ( Last UP-Date January 10th, 2007) A NEW PAGE dedicated to the proposition of fast breaking NEWS from our SEVA friends here and around the World. Also see the Current events page for a permanent archive of past, present, and future EVents.

Wa. State Climate Mitigation Plans

2007.12.21 -

Here is WA states draft of what they plan to do for climate change. It's open for public comment until Jan 10th, so if we want to suggest anything we better get going. It's a long document and they have mentioned PHEV's, but not pure EV's. I don't know if it is possible to convince them to make a bigger push for EV's, but they could really cut GHG emissions by pushing this area. They also are looking to reduce foreign oil imports which EV's can accoplish, especially with our hydro power availability.

Are we going to comment as a group or individually, or both? Only 10% PHEV's by 2020 means the world is in for deep trouble IMHO.

Below are some excerpts from the overall general plan which includes PHEV's:

All five of the TWG (technical working group) sectors present significant opportunities for emissions reductions and removals, as shown in Figure 5. Some highlights are outlined here, and more discussion is provided in Section V. Not surprisingly, the transportation sector, which accounts for nearly half the State’s emissions, offers significant emissions reduction potential through increasing vehicle and transportation system efficiency, and reducing vehicle travel from transit, community design, and other measures. Alternative vehicle fuels can also play a major role in the transportation sector by 2020, through a low carbon fuel standard and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle incentives, as well as through the agriculture and forestry sector, where the CAT recommends goals for producing 250 million gallons of liquid fuels from biomass by 2020. Another major contributor to potential emissions savings in the agriculture and forestry sectors by 2020 is avoiding the conversion of farm and forest lands, and the resulting loss of carbon stored in trees and soil. Expanding recycling, reuse, and source reduction of municipal waste accounts for about half the emissions reductions in the agriculture/waste column shown. Improvements in building energy efficiency and community design, increasing natural gas efficiency programs, and increasing efficiency standards account for a significant fraction of the emissions reduction shown for the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. In the energy supply sector, increasing the contribution of renewable and combined heat and power sources are the principal sources of quantified emission reductions shown.

NO. 6 recommendation:

Acceleration and Integration of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) Use (T-10) speeds up the deployment of PHEV technology, removes barriers to more rapid adoption, creates initial incentives, and provides for the integration of PHEVs with other energy systems. This strategy aims for PHEVs to account for 10% of cars, SUVs and small trucks’ VMT statewide by 2020. Improvements to Freight Railroads and Intercity Passenger Railroads (T-6) includes expanded use of anti-idle technologies and practices would reduce locomotive idling.

Electric Vehicle State Legislation - Needs YOUR HELP

Come ONE  Come ALL  To OLYMPIA Washington
to put your Support behind House Bill 1820

What DATE:		Wednesday February 14th, 2007
Where:			Car Pooling from MC Electric Dearborne Street, Seattle
When:			1:30 p.m.  push off time to Olympia
Who:			All SEVA members or any one else who would like to
			See the proliferation of EVs and NEV's by
			making them more marketable, with a top speed of 35
			in stead of the very limited  25 mph !
WHY:WHERE AS,		the popularization and utilization of Electric Vehicles (EVs)
			Can drastically reduce our dependence on foreign Oil.

WHERE AS,		the efficiency of an EV is 4 to 5 times that of petrol driven
			Internal combustion vehicles per dollar of energy.

WHERE AS,	   	the pollution per mile of an EV is much less than  an Internal
			Combustion Engines, using any and all known fuels, even if the
			electricity is derived from Coal Fired electric generation, and MANY
			times cleaner  when derived from hydro, or renewable energy
			like wind and solar.

WHERE AS,		Neighborhood Electric Vehicles, (NEV’s) cost less, and are more
			available than most free-way certified EV’s, Hybrids and yet to be available
			Plug-In Hybrids.

WHERE AS,		most urban automobile trips are within the range per charge
			of most NEV's and other EV’s.

WHERE AS,		the Department of Energy has determined that existing
			available electric energy in the National Grid, could power
			80% of today’s vehicles if recharged during OFF-PEAK periods.

WHERE AS,		the present federal and state category of “low speed Electric
			Vehicles” limits their arterial road speed to 25 m.p.h. which 
			greatly inhibits their marketability.

WHERE AS,		other vehicle types, which do not go through crash testing,
			Roll-over testing, and implementation of Air Bags ARE
			allowed no speed restrictions, such as motor cycles, and
			Certain 3-wheel vehicles..

	The Board of Directors and Members of the Seattle EV Association, strongly urge
	passage of House Bill 1820, which when passed will change local NEV Regulations
	to allow them to attain speeds of 30 to 35 miles per hour on appropriate streets and
	arterials, but limit their use to local and state controlled streets, and their exclusion
	from Federal Highways will remain..  We further more urge citizens to contact their
	Local and state legislators and individually urge passage of HB 1820.

The total Bill, and all the facts behind it can be seen at the Wa Gov.

See you there !!!!

If you plan on going down on your OWN, call MC Electric for further Details on the exact building,
and room number for the 3:30 pm hearing. (206) 328 1750 

Bill Moore of EVWorld Does T.O.T.N. Science Friday

Our friend Bill Moore, EVWorld editor got to do a wonderful 17 min. segment on PBS Science Friday this last week. It was very positive, and lots of good INFO on the GM Chevy Volt. Check it out with your MP3 software at:

Heads UP Seattle - Radio Interview

Sunday Morning, January 21st, 2007, 7 am to 8 am on AM 1090

Our President Steve was honored to do yet another Radio Interview on Electric Cars for AM-1090 recently. We have been told by their Public Affairs person, Tami Kosch, that the interview will Air on Sunday morning Jan. 21st at 7 to 8 am. After that it will be up on their Web Site for the whole World to hear…

Political Movement

Our member Stephen Bernheim is active in City Politics in Edmonds, and is on board for January 23rd to propose PHEV legislation for Edmonds City Council. Any and all SEVA members are welcome to come and support this.

Dates to set aside

Couple of Dates for you Early-Birds who have time and money enough to flit round the country from EV Convention to EV Convention:

  • Alternative Fuels & Vehicles – Conference and Expo April 1-4, 2007
  • Anaheim California. Full Registration $649.

EVS-23 December 2-5 2007 Anaheim California. This is the BIG ONE put on by the Electric Drive Transportation Association. Cost for all the meetings, Ride-n-Drive, and cocktail parties? $750.

In the recent PAST

Great Radio Interview, coming up on Sunday, Fathers day, on 4 of the 5 Sandusky Radio Network stations. It was the BEST radio interview I have had in 20 years!!Covered everything from EV Car Racing, Conversions, FOOL cells, Plug in Hybrids, and why my Son will not convert his Red Mustang to ELECTRIC Fathers Day Morning June 19th. A little early... Well A LOT EARLY... But what the hay.... Here are the call signs, times, and frequencies:

  • on KLSY (Klassy !) 92.5 FM at 5 a.m.
  • on KIXI 880 AM, at 5:30 a.m.
  • on KWJZ (Cool Jazz) on 98.9 FM at 6 a.m.
  • on KKNW 1150 AM, at 7 a.m.

And Here Small (7.5 Meg) is where Ryan, our WEB GURU will let you click and down load the interview in MP3 for those of you who do not get UP that early in the morning:

SEVA and FlexCar

It's official! The FlexCar chapter in Seattle, is giving special membership and discounts to any one in the Seattle EV Association driving/owning an Electric Vehicle or a Neighborhood EV!

I think this is a marriage made in EV Heaven. Here is how it works. An EV owner/user signs up, takes a $50 discount, and drives to any one of many FlexCar parking lots round Seattle. Park your EV, pick up your Honda, or even a few Honda Hybrids, and drive your 50 100 150 mile trip. Some FlexCar pick-up points will even allow you to charge your 20 to 40 mile/per/charge EV while you make your 100, 200 mile trip.

I know there are other FlexCar outlets in Portland OR. and I think San Francisco too. Our local manager, Tracy Carroll, one of the original FlexCar founders, should spread the concept to their other outlets.

Here below is a Press-Release-announcement I sent to our local NPR Radio station (KUOW) here in Seattle, a few days ago:

"The Seattle EV Association and FlexCar have teamed up to offer a winning combination to folks who wish to own an EV but often need a vehicle to go a greater distance. Special FlexCar membership discounts, as well as free parking at FlexCar pick-up locations have been offered to any SEVA member owning and operating an EV or NEV. Also in some FlexCar locations modest Re-Charging facilities may be offered as well, thereby greatly enhancing the operating characteristics of EV ownership."

AS a follow up to this, Tracy has a FlexCar customer who works at another NPR station here in the Seattle area ( KEXP 90.3 Mhz ) and Tracy and I will be interviewed on the 25th on the above subject for a program which will be aired on their local program "Sustain ability" on the 28th or 29th...(not sure)