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SEVA meetings are held every second Tuesday.

EVents 2007 06 12

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Our monthly meetings are held at the Church of the Nazarene above the Mosaic Community Coffee House.

Join us at our SEVA Meetings

Unless otherwise posted here, or sent out over the SEVA Maillist each Monthly Meeting is Held on the Evening of the Second Tuesday of each Month commencing at 7 p.m. or there about. Meetings are held at the Church of the Nazarene at 44th St. NE, and 3rd Ave NE, just behind Dicks Drive In on 45th. Their fire damage has been repaired, and they welcome us back. We encourage visitors and members to help support this free venue with the purchase of some fine coffee and other refreshments downstairs at the Mosaic Community Coffee House.

June 12th 2007 Meeting

Yet another GREAT meeting. Full House..

Our first business was to recognize Ms. Elizabeth Willmott from King County's Executive Ron Sims office, and his sub-committee on Global Warming. They are organizing a Transportation Seminar this fall on September 19th, and we shared with them about 30 names, numbers, and e-mails of folks we have met over the last 5 years which specialize in Electric Cars, and EV Technology. Folks like Andy Frank, and Felix Kramer, Ron Johnston-Rodriguez, and others. Our Association (SEVA) will be playing a pivotal role in the Seminar.

Then we worked out some details and logistics for "Gasless on Greenwood 2007" For the last 3 years, we have been meeting up in a parking lot just off 50th Street, at Whitman Ave. (on the far south side of Woodland Park) between 6:30 and 7 am... We then move out together as close to 7 am as we can, in the order which we will be parking in, and head to Greenwood AVe. The check-in area is about at 70th, about 1.6 miles from the parking lot. Chuck Bensen and I went up to Greenwood Av. yesterday, and scoped out a good spot. ( We will be parking on the East side of the street, moving south from 81st towards 80th ) Chuck will be going up at 6 am in the morning, and cordening off "X" number of feet to coincide with our total number of EVs which will be coming. ( right now it is 13 ) This area will shade us from the Brutal Afternoon Sun. and John W. ... it is close to several restaurants. This method of guarantying us consecutive parking spaces, was suggested to us by the Hot Rod Show organizing folks. After the show, as in past years, participants are invited back to our house for the SEVA pic-nic.

Next topic was an even LARGER EV-ent being organized by Co-Op America for April 2008. They have reserved the whole Washington State Convention Center for "GreenFestival 08 Seattle". They are expecting to have over 25,000 folks attend. I was invited to attend a planning meeting at REI Monday night, where over 100 environmental type folks showed up to volunteer to get this convention started. I have volunteered to head up Transportation Issues, to include Electric Vehicles, Alt.Fuel Vehicles, Bicycles, and Transit... Also, we will be given Display space, and a chance to be in their "Ride and Drive" display. Please check these folks out at:

Dave Cloud reported on new successes in Electrathon Racing, breaking some of his old speed records.

Rich Rudmand reported on a new version of ThunderSky's Li-Ion batteries he is testing. They are not much larger than a small book, about 6.5" high, 1" wide, and are a large scale single cell. They are rated at 40 ah. and cost $86. per cell. He is cycling them, and is getting very close to 40 ah out of them. Rich also mentioned that he has received his largest order ever, for over 20 chargers from Phoenix Motorcar. The folks who are going to be using AltairNano's Nanosafe Li-Ion batteries.

Greg Rock from The Green Car Company came and announced they are ready to sell Rich's Plug-In Prius kits EAA-PHEV:PiPrius.

Dan Davids reported on his trip to California, and his testimony at the recent Cal.Air Resources Board meetings, on EVs and EV batteries. Their decision to reinvigorate the Zero Emissions Mandate is still up in the air. Details of the meetings can be seen at:

Things I forgot to mention: We have been invited to be in EV Displays:

Also I will be OUT OF TOWN during the July 10th meeting. Will be discussing with others to run the Meeting during my absence.

We will be meeting again at the Mosaic Coffee House, same time, same place. 44th Street, at 2nd Ave.

Dave Moore, a new member, brought his recently modified Toyota Prius by EAA-PHEV:Hybrids-Plus. It is unique in as much as its aux. battery pack is made up of over 1500 A123 Systems Li-Ion Cells. You can get more information about his specific car and watch some videos he has made at: Dave had to leave early, and I did not get a chance to see the conversion, but Ryan Fulcher gave it a good "look - See"

Also after the meeting, Ryan was showing his new EV Project out of the back of his Honda Insight. It was the engine case, and transmission out of a 6 speed motorcycle. He is planning to modify the engine/transmission block, to KEEP the 6 speed transmission and power the bike with ..... of course an electric motor and batteries. Lots of machine work yet to be done, but this should make for an Ultimate Electric Motor Cycle.