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EVents 2006 10 10
Our monthly meetings are held at the Church of the Nazarene above the Mosaic Community Coffee House.
Join us at our SEVA Meetings
Unless otherwise posted here, or sent out over the SEVA Maillist each Monthly Meeting is Held on the Evening of the Second Tuesday of each Month commencing at 7 p.m. or there about. Meetings are held at the Church of the Nazarene at 44th St. NE, and 3rd Ave NE, just behind Dicks Drive In on 45th. Their fire damage has been repaired, and they welcome us back. We encourage visitors and members to help support this free venue with the purchase of some fine coffee and other refreshments downstairs at the Mosaic Community Coffee House.
October 10th 2006 Minutes
per SEVA_Maillist:2006./10./86
About the OCTOBER 10th MEETING !
Yes ! There was one... and YES it was well attended for a cool October night.
I am especially gratified by all the New Members, and folks coming by who do not get to come by often.
There Reports:
Rich Rudman reported on the work the he and I completed in Wenatchee, and the progress of their PHEV. We got all the batteries IN, and the wonderful battery box his people are making. Room for 15 Genesis batteries. Also mounted the "Magic Green Box" as I like to call it. There is a fairly complete story on the eaa-phev web site.
Don Father Time Crabtree talked more on his attempts to put a 2 speed planetary gear set on his Drag Bike to better utilize the power there in.
Ryan Fulcher spoke about his earlier installation of the Can-View hardware the week before. Also, Ryan would like to remind folks to refrain from POSTING large files and pictures to the seva-e-mail list. You can UP load large files and or photos to the SEVA web site any time.
I reported on my trip to the EV Vortex.. i.e. The PaloAlto SVEAA ( Silicon Valley Electric Auto Association) I think it is the LARGEST EAA Club in the US. I went to see my THREE most favorite cars, which were ALL there on display... the New TESLA roadster, the TANGO from Spokane, and the X1-WrightSpeed. Turns out that Ian Wright used to work with TESLA, but decided some time back to go out on his own....
Thanks to Chuck Benson and his nice new Lap Top, I was also able to show all the pictures I took down there.
One of our new members, ( DANG, I have LOST his card...) brought a video clip taken from King-5 News on Monday night ( 10/09) which was done by a MSNBC team of the Tesla Roadster. It was about a 3 minute spot, and very positive, even though the car had lost a bearing during HARD acceleration, and we got to see the whole drive train being lifted out of the car...
I can not remember any other EVents worth mentioning at the meeting. I proceeded to spend 2 days at Shoreling College in their very EXCELLENT auto shop area on the 13th and 14th of October. GM was there with their new Saturn Vue Hybrid. Toyota was there with their Fuel Cell SUV, The Johnson's came with their S10-EVs, MC Electric brought several vehicles, Western Washington U brought down their Hybrid Electric and CNG car, and two new comers... Western Equipment brought a Chinese Electric Mini-Van, and Roberts Jeep of Auburn brought the GEM NEV. Also a Corporate REP was there from DaimlerChryslerGEM. Our friends from Wenatchee, Aimee Pope came with a display and pictures of the Toyota Prius PHEV we have been working on. Last but not least, Ryan Fulcher came with our local PHEV, and was a real show stopper
I got to meet the new director of the Advanced Vehicle Institute up at Western U., Eric Leonhardt. Also an old friend James Hammond, the head of the Puget Sound Auto Dealers Association stopped by. The two days were full of seminars and lectures, and when "Mr. Toyota" got to speak on their Fuel Cell program.... I got a chance to give him our 2 cents worth. It went like THIS: WHY FOOL CELLS...Toyota and others are getting Federal Money, Fuel cells meet their biz. model, i.e. lots of maintenance, and third their friends in the fuel biz. i.e. Shell, BP, Texaco, etc. will be in a position to SELL us FOOLS fuel for the next 100 years. ( He was polite, but did not agree with the Maintenance Issue...)