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EVents 2008 11 11
Our monthly meetings are held at the Church of the Nazarene above the Mosaic Community Coffee House.
Join us at our SEVA Meetings
Unless otherwise posted here, or sent out over the SEVA Maillist each Monthly Meeting is Held on the Evening of the Second Tuesday of each Month commencing at 7 p.m. or there about. Meetings are held at the Church of the Nazarene at 44th St. NE, and 3rd Ave NE, just behind Dicks Drive In on 45th. Their fire damage has been repaired, and they welcome us back. We encourage visitors and members to help support this free venue with the purchase of some fine coffee and other refreshments downstairs at the Mosaic Community Coffee House.
November 11th 2008 Meeting
November 11th SEVA Meeting Never ceases to amaze me how many folks turn out on a cold and rainy night. We did not get an accurate count, but I would guess it at between 65 to 70.
We were fortunate to have TWO new EV’s on display, though it was cold, dark and drizzling.. An S-10 conversion from Malloy Services in Lynnwood, and a late model Volvo Sedan for an Oregon customer by Carlo Zaskorski of Electricvehiclessupply of Bellevue. Both were excellent examples of conversions.
We had reports from the Seattle Auto Show, which was quite well attended by folks from MC-Electric, and the Green Car Company. Steve Lough spent 3 days there helping answer questions and dealing with the large crowds. Robert Fraik from brought his prototype NEV from Bainbridge Island. We wish him well, as he works towards bringing this into production, right here in Washington State. Also visited with Craig Henderson of AVION in Bellingham and his 100 mpg car. While there none other than Dr. Seal of WWU fame stopped by.
Dave Cloud passed out a survey for everyone to fill out, dealing with how best to portray mileage and fuel efficiency of PHEV’s. Needless to say, it is misleading to tell folks they have a PHEV that gets 100 or 150 mpg. And his survey bared this out.
The Saxtons gave an up-date on Tesla. Production is proceeding. Deliveries are in the 6o’s and with personnel cut backs, and a new infusion of Capital $$ work goes on.
Jeff Finn talked of working with State Legislators to set the stage for further lobbying efforts on behalf of EV’s There is a big meeting coming up on December 4th. Anyone interested in being a part of this contact Jeff at: ( Steve Johnson gave a good report on the Electric BMW Mini’s which are bound for California, New York State, and New Jersey within the year.
John Frost, our treasurer, made another CALL for pictures for the 2009 SEVA Calendar.. You can send Hi-Res pictures of your choice to:
We had a report from the “EcoMotionSeattle” group on progress towards a business plan. All interested parties are encouraged to attend their meetings down stairs in the Mosaic Coffee House, on Nov 18th 7 pm… The third Tuesday of each month. It was brought to our attention that on Page 5 of the new November Current Events news letter, there is a “Call for Nominations” for various annual awards and recognitions. One item that stuck out was the “Lifetime Award” to be given for long time service to the EAA and EV related activities.. Now I wonder who might fall in to that category…hint hint wink wink…. It would take a letter writing, and e-mail campaign by others if there were any one in SEVA deserving of such recognition…
As always, and as before, if any one feels important minutes have been left out here, anyone can add to this as they see fit, and on the copy at our web site, it is Wiki Format, which can be added to or edited by anyone wishing to make improvements. Our next meeting will be our Holiday Meeting, and we should gather together a few hearty soles to work on plans for said same, December 9th.