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SEVA meetings are held every second Tuesday.

EVents 2008 10 14

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Our monthly meetings are held at the Church of the Nazarene above the Mosaic Community Coffee House.

Join us at our SEVA Meetings

Unless otherwise posted here, or sent out over the SEVA Maillist each Monthly Meeting is Held on the Evening of the Second Tuesday of each Month commencing at 7 p.m. or there about. Meetings are held at the Church of the Nazarene at 44th St. NE, and 3rd Ave NE, just behind Dicks Drive In on 45th. Their fire damage has been repaired, and they welcome us back. We encourage visitors and members to help support this free venue with the purchase of some fine coffee and other refreshments downstairs at the Mosaic Community Coffee House.

October 14th 2008 Meeting

October 14th SEVA Meeting

WELL !!! Quite a turn out for a cold October evening. And we had a very interesting meeting

Thanks Stephen Johnsen for printing and sending out our meeting schedule

We had video and slide presentations on Tesla in Bellevue, Dave Cloud and daughter’s 100 mph record breaking run on the Salt Flats, John McGowan’s presentation on the Warp DC Motor Plant, and although it took a bit to find a lap top that would run it, or extract it from the wi-fi Church router… a presentation about Chris Pain’s Birthday Party/Plug-In-America Fund raiser in LA on 9/27.. There were hundreds of EV folks from all over California. They had the GM – Volt Production Prototype, and a Tesla on display, and valet service up and down the LA hills via a whole FLEET of Rav4EV’s Dan Davids, who is PIA’s Treasurer gave the report. We also saw a VCR replay of the recent 12 minute segment on CBS- 60Minutes on EVs thanks to Guy the Sound guy..

Barbara gave a report on up coming classes through So.Sea.Com.College. Any one interested is reminded to check out the information on the SEVA Web Site.

Dave Cloud as well as John McGowan spoke on Electric Motors. Good questions from the audience on Tax Breaks for EV’s and The Saxtons brought us up to date on TESLA News..

Several folks were troubled by the fact that our connections to this video did not go smoothly, even though we had plenty to talk about while we were waiting. So the suggestion has been made to try and pre-determine the compatibility of AV presentations thru our Sound Guy… “Guy” Sounds like a good idea to me..

Up coming Events… would be the Seattle International Auto Show. For the first time in decades, show management is giving Big Breaks to clean transportation folks like Green Car Co, and MC-EV . Both outfits will need folks to help out. It would mean a FREE PASS, and a chance to talk to hundreds of folks about EVs and about SEVA. I will be volunteering as much as I can… It is what I do….

See ya Soon…