EVents 2006 11 14

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Our monthly meetings are held at the Church of the Nazarene above the Mosaic Community Coffee House.

Join us at our SEVA Meetings

Unless otherwise posted here, or sent out over the SEVA Maillist each Monthly Meeting is Held on the Evening of the Second Tuesday of each Month commencing at 7 p.m. or there about. Meetings are held at the Church of the Nazarene at 44th St. NE, and 3rd Ave NE, just behind Dicks Drive In on 45th. Their fire damage has been repaired, and they welcome us back. We encourage visitors and members to help support this free venue with the purchase of some fine coffee and other refreshments downstairs at the Mosaic Community Coffee House.

November 14th 2006 Minutes

Seattle EV Association November 14th Meeting

It was a cold and windy night… But Golly ! 21 People showed up.

Lots of Good Questions.

Mr. Cook, a very bright fellow, is needing lots of help to plan his AC powered  BMW 

he is wanting to build. He is looking for advice on integrating the power steering needs,

the AC needs, and the vacuum needs.  In other words when he gets done, he wants his car to
operate as smooth and as seamless as the original BMW.  I’m not sure he got all the advise 

and help he needed. Very few AC folks in SEVA.

Dave Barden had good news about the repair of his DC Motor on his Honda 600. Only $300+ bucks.

Dave Cloud reported on his trip to the Electrathon Championships in New Hampshire. He broke the 50 MPH average speed barrier, but another fellow, bested him by one additional MPH. He’s probably going back next year to regain supremacy.

Bruce Sherry reminded us that if any one wishes to SEE the Movie, “Who Killed the Electric Car” for free, it will be showing at a Unitarian Church out on the Woodinville Douvall road, just before you get to Dave Clouds turn-off this Saturday Evening.

Chuck Huckeby brought in a 2 gig. Memory stick, with the WHOLE movie on it ! Didn’t ask him where he got it…

One of our newer members is heading down to the EV Bone Yard in Arizona to possibly buy one of the Electric S10’s they still have for sale. If you count the Johnsons, and their cousin… that will mean we will have 4 ( FOUR ) of the GM electric pick-ups in the Club. WOW.

Although not at the meeting, we get word from Rich Rudman, that he has completed a SECOND plug-In Prius. Back in the Mid West near Chicago. This is GOOD News.

Steve reported that he has posted some of the video from the Silicon Valley EAA Rally, which he showed at the October meeting up on “YouTube” and it is getting LOTS of hits. It is of Bob Shnevise’s Walking Centurion Electric Man Pulling a Chariot. Ryan Fulcher mentioned that we should POST to Google as well, where people could Down-Load the video if they wish… Thanks Ryan…

Well the December 12th meeting will be our annual Christmas Meeting at Mark and Kandi Dodrill’s home in Bellevue. Directions and details can be seen at: You are suggested to bring a munchy, or a desert, and or beverages of your choice…

See you all there….Happy Thanksgiving !!!